Thursday, January 23, 2020

12 Best Natural Home Remedies to Fight Cold, Fever and Flu

Feed your child one teaspoon of this mixture twice a day. As the massage also has a relaxing effect, this treatment is ideal to do just before your baby’s sleep time. Similar to ginger, mustard oil and garlic when combined becomes an effective agent to promote sweating and help flush toxins.

home remedies for high fever and cold

Furthermore, it also increases the blood circulation and provides warmth to your baby’s body. 6.Apple Cider VinegarApple cider vinegar is also said to work as an effective remedy for fever. The slightly acidic nature of the vinegar helps draw heat, leaving a cooling effect. The vitamins and minerals present in the ACV further helps replenish the body with minerals, which often gives way to the toxins. Mix 2 teaspoons of apple cider vinegar and 1 tablespoon of honey in a glass of water and drink the concoction at least two to three times a day for best results.

Stay Cool

It is bitter in taste but its thyme compounds called flavonoids act as an anti-inflammatory. And also helps us to deal with a cold, cough, and runny nose. Fenugreek is also very helpful for the treatment of many diseases. Due to its anti-inflammatory properties, fenugreek can work to naturally relieve cough and cold, and joint pain in cold weather. Researchers have found that it may be the key to fend off the cold virus.

home remedies for high fever and cold

Urine culture helps to assess if bacteria are present in the urine. You will be called if urine culture results are abnormal. Samples of blood can assess if bacteria are present in the bloodstream. Blood culture results may take 24 hours and usually are complete in 72 hours. You will be notified if the blood culture test is abnormal. A complete blood count, electrolytes, and cultures are taken from a blood sample.It is much more difficult to find and enter the small veins in children.

Verified Benefits of Garlic

Interestingly, the child experienced normalcy in just one hour after drinking a 40ml solution of boiled Moringa leaf water. This shows that Moringa leaf can be used as a safe natural remedy for fever in toddlers who are sensitive to antipyretic drugs . Coldwater sponging or an ice compress is the best way to bring down high temperatures. The heat exchange between the compress and body will cause the temperature to fall quickly.

home remedies for high fever and cold

You’ll likely spend time resting at home if you have a cold or flu. FluTherapy Daytime comes in a soothing hot drink form, with the powerful ingredients to relieve your cold and flu symptoms while you recover at home. Make sure to drink the entire medicated hot drink within minutes. FluTherapy Daytime relieves nasal congestion, sore throat, body aches, fever, and cough from a cold or flu.


Usually fever leads to loss of appetite, so don’t force people to feed the patient. When the patient feels hungry, feed them boiled or steam veggies, chicken broth and fresh fruits. Drink plenty of fluids when you are suffering from fever. Include water, soups, juices and jelly to increase fluid intake and stay hydrated. Combine 1/2 cup of grapefruit juice and 1/2 cup of water. Repeat the process few times in a day to combat viral fever and aches.

It additionally aids in soothing a sore throat and providing relief from a cold. This treatment should be used for babies from eight months onward. Alternatively, put the peels and juice from four lemons and one tablespoon of ginger slices in one pan. Let it steep for around ten minutes and strain off the liquid. Finally, give your baby this liquid to consume a few times per day.

Massaging the chest with warm mustard oil provides relief in cough. The selenium and magnesium present in mustard oil have anti-inflammatory properties. Garlic is known to be antimicrobial, so it cures a cold and coughs naturally.

However, many conditions other than infections may cause a fever. Mix one teaspoon of lemon juice with several drops of honey. Then, feed this liquid to your baby three to four times daily.

Calm the Cough

It also has an antihistamine to help with sneezing and runny nose symptoms, and dextromethorphan to suppress your cough so you can get a good night’s sleep. Hot liquids relieve nasal congestion, prevent dehydration, and soothe the uncomfortably inflamed membranes that line your nose and throat. If you're so congested that you can't sleep at night, try a hot toddy, an age-old remedy.

home remedies for high fever and cold

Take 2 teaspoons of the elderflower and add it to a cup of boiling water. Repeat the process regularly to reduce the body temperature. Raisins are rich in vitamins, minerals, electrolytes and anti-oxidants which boost the immune system. Repeat the process 2 times in a day to get rid of fever and fever blisters.

You should repeat this process until the fever has decreased. Bacterial infections are typically treated with antibiotics. As far as COVID and the flu, you can best protect yourself by staying up to date with vaccinations, and yes, it is safe to get both shots together.

home remedies for high fever and cold

Eucalyptus oil is useful in clearing chest congestion and relieving blocked nose . Topically applying eucalyptus oil can improve the flow of blood and disinfect the area. It contains the expectorant quality, making it an excellent cure for chest congestionand cough. This remedy can be applied to babies from one year onward. You can give small babies a sponge bath or cool bath to help reduce fever in them.

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